Saturday, December 12, 2020

Friends and relatives passing away

Today I find myself shedding tears for old friends passing away from various causes, some from old age and one likely might pass from coronavirus now. 

I have lost so many now starting with my 16 year old cousin when I was only 8 years old. I think that was the hardest thing then to lose a member of my family when I was only 8. I remember feeling very vulnerable, alone and afraid sitting in my bedroom and I sat down and began to write to comfort myself from the loss of my 8 years older cousin in a car accident where he was driving friends in a big car. Your first loss of a loved one or a friend when you are a child is often the hardest. Since then I have created emotional armor for myself as I walked through hundreds of deaths of people I knew and loved.

But, the one thing I must tell you is that when the tears come don't fight them because tears often mean sanity out the other end of them. Fighting your tears just brings brittleness and insanity (if you are in a safe enough place physically to have your tears come out).

So, let your tears wash your soul and heal you deeply because it's important to deal with grief usefully and effectively to come out of the whole thing a whole person out the other end of all that.

Having lost hundreds of people in my life now I can fully attest to that.

By God's Grace 

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